For the release of our most recent publication Camera Forward! our archive of the month looks at different examples of radical film and photography practices from the MDR archive. Featuring the work of The Film and Photography League, Worker Photographer and Terry Dennett and Jo Spence’s photographic workshops for children in 1970s.
Click here for more details.
Camera Forward! is the first of the MayDay Rooms Pamphlet Series, which brings together reproductions of documents from radical history while offering a space for extended engagement and critical reflections on their contemporary relevance. Each pamphlet will contain newly created content – including essays, poems, and illustrations – set alongside reproductions of materials to which they are responding.
Camera Forward! arose from an open call for submissions and centres on histories of activist film and photography in the 1970s. It features material from the Film and Photography League, The Worker Photographer, Cinema Action, Terry Dennett and Four Corners, with contributions from Lotte L.S, Johanna Klingler, Freya Field-Donovan and Jack Booth.
Get you copy here: https://pmpress.org.uk/product/camera-forward/