We were very sorry to learn of the death of our friend David Graeber last week. David had become a big name in the last decade, writing books that popularised anarchist, anti-authoritarian, and anti-bureaucratic thinking around the world, in the wake of the financial crisis a decade ago, and the Occupy Movement in which he played a significant part. But he was also a close friend, comrade, and collaborator with lots of people around MayDay Rooms, and in the communities that use our building – as well as a frequent attendee of our social nights. The first iteration of ‘Bullshit Jobs’ was published by Strike Magazine back in 2013, and he was a particularly close comrade especially to the Radical Artists Faction. In most ordinary circumstances, someone like David would have become an authority on questions from value to social relations to protest movements, but while his views were authoritative he was never one to speak from a podium, to pull rank, or to tell others what was right or wrong. We remember him instead as someone who turned up to everything, a committed activist, a lover of the streets and their movements, mixing hope with scorn, sitting through every meeting (often on the floor), nattering away. He also offered endless support and solidarity to so many people and causes – almost always out of sight, or in the depths of crowds. We send our love and condolences to his wife, Nika, and especially to all of our friends who were close to David. We’ll really miss him.-