Calendar of Events
M Mon
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1 event,
Mute magazine editorial meeting (invite)
Mute magazine editorial meeting (invite)
Mute is a critical magazine exploring culture and politics after the net. We’ve been publishing regularly since 1994, latterly as an editorial collective. This group meets at MayDay Rooms on the last Monday of the month to discuss ideas and plan future articles and projects.
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IWGB Language Exchange
IWGB Language Exchange
The Independent Workers Union of Great Britain (IWGB) is a worker-run union organising the unorganised, the abandoned and the betrayed. MayDay Rooms has offered up its venue and facilities for: Spanish-English language exchange: 12-4pm English classes: 2-4pm Spanish classes: 2-4pm Contact:
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We Can’t Breathe – from Ferguson to Tottenham
We Can’t Breathe – from Ferguson to Tottenham
Global Movements for Racial Justice meeting with students/staff from New York University and an introduction to MayDay Rooms - activation process with a preview, opening glimpse, of the Deaths and Injuries in Police Custody archive (1975 onwards) deposited by Statewatch at MDR in December 2014.
2 events,
Green and Black Cross and the NUS Black Students Campaign legal defence meeting.
Green and Black Cross and the NUS Black Students Campaign legal defence meeting.
Arrestee support meeting for those arrested at the Westfield die-in to discuss legal advice, an arrestee-led defence campaign and other support available. Closed meeting, arrestees only. Bail sheets required as identification.
IWGB Language Exchange
IWGB Language Exchange
The Independent Workers Union of Great Britain (IWGB) is a worker-run union organising the unorganised, the abandoned and the betrayed. MayDay Rooms has offered up its venue and facilities for: Spanish-English language exchange: 12-4pm English classes: 2-4pm Spanish classes: 2-4pm Contact:
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IWW London Branch Meeting (invite only)
IWW London Branch Meeting (invite only)
The Industrial Workers of the World (IWW) is an international rank and file workers’ union, fighting for better working conditions today and economic democracy tomorrow. As a volunteer organisation, committed to direct action and democratic control, we want members to get involved and help the work along. Every month we hold a Branch Meeting, and […]
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DEAR JOHN – from the Black Dwarf to the GLC
DEAR JOHN – from the Black Dwarf to the GLC
A salute to John Hoyland. John, who died in November was a crucial figure in the non-sectarian agitprop/Black Dwarf/Seven Days left of the sixties and then on the GLC. This is a small public event to exchange reflections on him, his time and his politics. Viva John! Contact:
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IWGB Language Exchange
IWGB Language Exchange
The Independent Workers Union of Great Britain (IWGB) is a worker-run union organising the unorganised, the abandoned and the betrayed. MayDay Rooms has offered up its venue and facilities for: Spanish-English language exchange: 12-4pm English classes: 2-4pm Spanish classes: 2-4pm Contact:
MDR Annual Minga
MDR Annual Minga
Minga. 1. (= trabajo) voluntary communal labour o (US) labor, cooperative work. 2. (= equipo) crew or gang of cooperative workers. An open invite to all those who work and play and MDR to join us for our annual 'deep clean' of 88 Fleet Street (tasks coordinated by our Latin American compañeros). Any time you […]
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Schooling and Culture journal reactivation.2
Schooling and Culture journal reactivation.2
Schooling and Culture journal was a collaboration during the 70s and 80s between a group of radical left educationalists and young working class school students. This project is reactivating the journal with some of the original contributors and a new group of artists, educators and young people. More here.
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IWGB Language Exchange
IWGB Language Exchange
The Independent Workers Union of Great Britain (IWGB) is a worker-run union organising the unorganised, the abandoned and the betrayed. MayDay Rooms has offered up its venue and facilities for: Spanish-English language exchange: 12-4pm English classes: 2-4pm Spanish classes: 2-4pm Contact:
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Mute magazine editorial meeting (invite)
Mute magazine editorial meeting (invite)
Mute is a critical magazine exploring culture and politics after the net. We’ve been publishing regularly since 1994, latterly as an editorial collective. This group meets at MayDay Rooms on the last Monday of the month to discuss ideas and plan future articles and projects.
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Under the Moon
Under the Moon
Distant galaxies, cyborg lovers, re-written histories, genetically engineered babies, glass communes, intergalactic journeys. Homes without parents, planets without gender, cities without trees. UNDER THE MOON is a reading/screening/speaking group focused on the marginalised utopian impulse: we are interested in gathering together to think about alternative worlds, real and imagined, that undo the coordinates of white […]
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1 event,
IWGB Language Exchange
IWGB Language Exchange
The Independent Workers Union of Great Britain (IWGB) is a worker-run union organising the unorganised, the abandoned and the betrayed. MayDay Rooms has offered up its venue and facilities for: Spanish-English language exchange: 12-4pm English classes: 2-4pm Spanish classes: 2-4pm Contact: