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Many Changes at MDR!

After seven years working as Co-ordinator, Fani Arampatzidou is saying goodbye to MayDay Rooms for new ventures in Greece! We can’t imagine MDR without her and will greatly miss her determination, fierceness and love. She has been integral to developing the organisation and has always brought her principles and commitment to political education to everything we do. She will remain a close collaborator and comrade of MayDay Rooms and will have to put up with us all coming to visit her in Greece!

We will also be welcoming Lamya Sadiq who will be replacing Fani as Co-ordinator. Lamya works at Hopscotch Women’s Center, and has a background in community work in both London and Dhaka.  We are really excited for her to join the collective, where she will bring all her enthusiasm and commitment to archival work as a tool for disruption and (re)invention.

Welcome Lamya! You can contact at her at