Camera Forward! is the first of the MayDay Rooms Pamphlet Series, which brings together reproductions of documents from radical history while offering a space for extended engagement and critical reflections on their contemporary relevance. Each pamphlet will contain newly created content – including essays, poems, and illustrations – set alongside reproductions of materials to which they are responding.
Camera Forward! arose from an open call for submission and centres on histories of activist film and photography in the 1970s. It features material from the Film and Photography League, The Worker Photographer, Cinema Action, Terry Dennett and Four Corners, with contributions from Lotte L.S, Johanna Klingler, Freya Field-Donovan and Jack Booth.
Download the pdf here
Buy a copy from PM Press here

This workbook is a small contribution to recording some of organised responses workers and different communities gave to the Covid19 pandemic. It also shares snapshots of various emotions people have been experiencing during this health crisis. These everyday thoughts and ideas were gathered as part of the
contributions we received to the online Pandemic Notes survey.
The workbook is divided into three sections: Work, Community and State responses to Covid19 and each section is accompanied by a set of questions and an activity to further help the discussion and analysis on these three themes.
We are hoping that this workbook will prove a valuable resource for future organising and be a useful or practical record to be used for the pandemics or social crises that will inevitably follow.
Download here

This pamphlet is the result of research conducted by Seth Wheeler during his residency at the Mayday Rooms. The Mayday Rooms exists to archive and safeguard the ephemera and documentation of radical social movements, seeking to connect these historical materials with todays struggles. From his research, Seth has drawn a loose history of an anglo- speaking ‘Class Compostional’ tendency, whose ideas and practices, in order to provide useful tools for contemporary activists. militants.
This pamphlet contains theory, historical examples of this tendencies interventions, contemporary workplace inquiries and a series of workers bulletins representing a combatative ‘rank and file perspective’ whose history and lineage has remained partial in the domestic context.
Download your copy here, or come down to MayDay Rooms and pick up a printed edition.

Squatting Is Part of The Housing Movement: Practical Squatting Histories from 1968 to 2019 is the outcome of a residency in MayDay Rooms, and is part of our Housing Struggles Archive that we compiled last year. After an extensive research and a gathering of materials from different archives, including 56a Infoshop, there is now a three box collection of materials on squatting history in the UK. This publication will put the material in context.
Download your copy here, or come down to MayDay Rooms and pick up a printed edition.
Download an edition for printing here.

The Antihistory Tabloid ongoing research project into experimental educational institutions of the 1960s and 1970s. The main focus has been the Antiuniversity of London (UK 1968), New Experimental College (DK 1962-1975), Free University of New York (US 1965-1968) and Alternate U (1969-1973). The Antihistory Project has been running a research blog and produced publications on the Antiuniversity of London, New Experimental College and the Free University of New York (pending – a part of the Free Education! exhibition at Interference Archive, New York). London, Copenhagen and New York City 2012-2018.
Download a copy here
More information on the project by Jakob Jakobson here