Below is Kolektiva’s statement about the collection and why it’s important:
We are happy to announce that we have been working with the Stuart Christie Archive and Kolektiva.media to make Stuart’s video archive available on their PeerTube instance.
‘What some consider to be the most expansive collection of anarchist films and videos, has been recently added to PeerTube channel Kolektiva.Media. The collection was the brainchild of legendary Scottish revolutionary Stuart Christie, and was available for free on his book distribution website Christie Books. Christie came to international prominence for his attempt to assassinate Spanish fascist dictator Francisco Franco, when he was just 18 years old. Stuart Christie passed away in the summer of 2020, and since then, a collective of volunteers took up the task of creating a digital archive of his writings and film collection.
“This is the largest archive of anarchist films anywhere” said Kolektiva.media’s member Heatscore. “When we heard that Christie died, we were afraid that the collection would be lost forever, so we contacted the folks in charge of his archive and they agreed to make a back up on our PeerTube channel”.
PeerTube is a video streaming software that utilizes peer to peer technology similar to BitTorrent, to serve videos online. Kolektiva is a collective of anarchists working to provide alternatives to capitalist social media giants like Facebook and YouTube.
“The collection is massive, with over 500 films and videos from everything from dramas of the Spanish Civil war to documentaries to Chinese anarchism for example” said Kolektiva’s member Eme.
The entire Stuart Christie film collection can be viewed for free at Kolektiva.Media on the Stuart Christie Archive channel.