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Vernacular come to matter: (re)oreinting language and technology

We are excited to have contributed to Vernacular come to matter: (re)orienting language and technology, initiated by Varia in Rotterdam. Varia is a space for developing collective approaches to everyday technology, and maintain and facilitate a collective infrastructure from which we generate questions, opinions, modifications, help and action. For the publication Rosemary Grennan talked to the group about MDR’s digital archiving platform Leftovers and the possibilities of digital archives for building vernacular structures.

Vernaculars come to matter brings together a range of stories and practices that address this question. It is made in the context of the project VLTK, a Vernacular Language ToolKit in the making.In the publication, the vernacular appears in the counterdictionaries and formatterings of language; as a plurivocal remix bringing together recycled skills, diskarte practices, and humble templates; at eye level in the reverse diasporic circulation of Dutch-Turkish street typography; as an ongoing struggle with bureaucratic rigidity while transitioning gender or name; as a way to navigate the archive of MayDay Rooms, where the ephemera of radical, anti-oppressive, and working class movements requires a very particular attention; or in the attitudes of photo editing software, such as ImageMagick, manifested as software culture.

Vernaculars come to matter is edited by Cristina Cochior, Julie Boschat-Thorez, and Manetta Berends with contributions from Cengiz Mengüç, Clara Balaguer, Michael Murtaugh, Ren Loren Britton, and Rosemary Grennan. The publication will be published both in a printed and digital form by the everyday-technology-press, a new publishing initiative of Varia.

You can read the digital form here:,_(re)orienting_language_and_technology