Calendar of Events
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CAFA activation
CAFA activation
The CAFA archive was assembled and deposited at MayDay Rooms by George Caffentzis and Silvia Federici. It was introduced at the Marx Memorial Library as part of the Round About Midnight discussions on Midnight Notes and Zerowork in January 2012, and revisited during In The Annals, a follow-up discussion in November 2013. Inspired by the […]
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Justice for Domestic Workers opening Wages for Housework archive
Justice for Domestic Workers opening Wages for Housework archive
Justice for Domestic Workers (J4DW) visited MayDay Rooms between March and May, 2014, for a series of workshops with Louise Shelley, Werker Magazine ( and others. J4DW consulted the Wages for Housework collection in preparation for a campaign to overturn the British Government's policy on the tied Overseas Domestic Worker Visa, which denies overseas domestic […]
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CAFA activation
CAFA activation
The CAFA archive was assembled and deposited at MayDay Rooms by George Caffentzis and Silvia Federici. It was introduced at the Marx Memorial Library as part of the Round About Midnight discussions on Midnight Notes and Zerowork in January 2012, and revisited during In The Annals, a follow-up discussion in November 2013. Inspired by the […]
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A Reading from FUTURES with John Barker (music/sounds courtesy of Wealth of Negations and friends)
A Reading from FUTURES with John Barker (music/sounds courtesy of Wealth of Negations and friends)
Up On The Roof. A READING FROM FUTURES. With John Barker and music/sounds courtesy of Wealth of Negations and friends. It's Friday, 6pm and as the City of London's financial district clears out for the weekend, MayDay Rooms invites you to join John Barker on the roof of 88 Fleet Street for a […]
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A Reading from FUTURES with John Barker (music/sounds courtesy of Wealth of Negations and friends)
A Reading from FUTURES with John Barker (music/sounds courtesy of Wealth of Negations and friends)
Up On The Roof. A READING FROM FUTURES. With John Barker and music/sounds courtesy of Wealth of Negations and friends. It's Friday, 6pm and as the City of London's financial district clears out for the weekend, MayDay Rooms invites you to join John Barker on the roof of 88 Fleet Street for a […]
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CAFA activation
CAFA activation
The CAFA archive was assembled and deposited at MayDay Rooms by George Caffentzis and Silvia Federici. It was introduced at the Marx Memorial Library as part of the Round About Midnight discussions on Midnight Notes and Zerowork in January 2012, and revisited during In The Annals, a follow-up discussion in November 2013. Inspired by the […]
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The Jo Spence Memorial library, Birkbeck visit to MDR (invite only)
The Jo Spence Memorial library, Birkbeck visit to MDR (invite only)
The Jo Spence Memorial Library, Birkbeck visit to MayDay Rooms to sort and assess a recent deposit of material from Terry Dennett.
IWGB Language Exchange (open)
IWGB Language Exchange (open)
The Independent Workers Union of Great Britain (IWGB) is a worker-run union organising the unorganised, the abandoned and the betrayed. MayDay Rooms has offered up its venue and facilities for: Latin folk dance for children from age 12 from 10am Spanish-English language exchange: 2-4pm English classes: 2-4pm Spanish classes: 4-6pm
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MDR Countering Education (open)
MDR Countering Education (open)
This series of conversations, occasional displays and presentations is part of the Experimental Education programme at MayDay Rooms. Institutional workers/students/staff are invited to contribute to the sorting, sifting of historical and contemporary material linked to the educational ‘workplace’ (including experimental and alternative programmes, courses, related debates and struggle). Material in circulation includes the Manydeed […]
MDR ‘A’ Course Review (open)
MDR ‘A’ Course Review (open)
This ongoing development of historical material associated with the ‘A’ Course is part of the Experimental Education programme at MayDay Rooms. On a weekly basis, former students and staff will gather at MDR to deposit, discuss and exchange historical material with a view to shaping and distributing a dedicated ‘A’ Course (1969-1971) archive.
CAFA activation
CAFA activation
The CAFA archive was assembled and deposited at MayDay Rooms by George Caffentzis and Silvia Federici. It was introduced at the Marx Memorial Library as part of the Round About Midnight discussions on Midnight Notes and Zerowork in January 2012, and revisited during In The Annals, a follow-up discussion in November 2013. Inspired by the […]
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IWGB Language Exchange (open)
IWGB Language Exchange (open)
The Independent Workers Union of Great Britain (IWGB) is a worker-run union organising the unorganised, the abandoned and the betrayed. MayDay Rooms has offered up its venue and facilities for: Latin folk dance for children from age 12 from 10am Spanish-English language exchange: 2-4pm English classes: 2-4pm Spanish classes: 4-6pm
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3 events,
MDR Countering Education (open)
MDR Countering Education (open)
This series of conversations, occasional displays and presentations is part of the Experimental Education programme at MayDay Rooms. Institutional workers/students/staff are invited to contribute to the sorting, sifting of historical and contemporary material linked to the educational ‘workplace’ (including experimental and alternative programmes, courses, related debates and struggle). Material in circulation includes the Manydeed Group, […]
MDR ‘A’ Course Review (open)
MDR ‘A’ Course Review (open)
This ongoing development of historical material associated with the ‘A’ Course is part of the Experimental Education programme at MayDay Rooms. On a weekly basis, former students and staff will gather at MDR to deposit, discuss and exchange historical material with a view to shaping and distributing a dedicated ‘A’ Course (1969-1971) archive.
CAFA activation
CAFA activation
The CAFA archive was assembled and deposited at MayDay Rooms by George Caffentzis and Silvia Federici. It was introduced at the Marx Memorial Library as part of the Round About Midnight discussions on Midnight Notes and Zerowork in January 2012, and revisited during In The Annals, a follow-up discussion in November 2013. Inspired by the […]
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Book Launch and talk – Manny Ness, New Forms of Worker Organization
Book Launch and talk – Manny Ness, New Forms of Worker Organization
A rare chance to catch Manny Ness talking about contemporary class struggle and the growth of new forms of worker organisation in the syndicalist and autonomous tradition. As part of a speaking tour that takes in Scotland and Ruskin College Oxford, Manny Ness is in London on 24th June at this event organised by […]
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Philosophy, Revolution and the Battle of ideas (open)
Philosophy, Revolution and the Battle of ideas (open)
A meeting organised by the International Marxist-Humanist Organisation in London. Out To Lunch says: Adorno, Althusser and Debord reassessed in the light of Dunayevskaya ... If you don't know what we're talking about, come and find out. Ever since I missed Billy Bang's first gig at Leeds Jazz because I'd "never heard of him", […]
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2 events,
IWGB Language Exchange (open)
IWGB Language Exchange (open)
The Independent Workers Union of Great Britain (IWGB) is a worker-run union organising the unorganised, the abandoned and the betrayed. MayDay Rooms has offered up its venue and facilities for: Spanish-English language exchange: 12-4pm English classes: 2-4pm Spanish classes: 4-6pm
Animation Dinner (invite only)
Animation Dinner (invite only)
An evening of screenings, discussion, cooking and eating hosted by Richard Wright. Set up to give exposure to animated film that deserves to be more widely seen, and to encourage an open discussion on the medium to connect it with today's conditions. The evening will follow an 'open format' where participants are welcome to suggest […]
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3 events,
MDR Countering Education (open)
MDR Countering Education (open)
This series of conversations, occasional displays and presentations is part of the Experimental Education programme at MayDay Rooms. Institutional workers/students/staff are invited to contribute to the sorting, sifting of historical and contemporary material linked to the educational ‘workplace’ (including experimental and alternative programmes, courses, related debates and struggle). Material in circulation includes the Manydeed Group, […]
MDR ‘A’ Course Review (open)
MDR ‘A’ Course Review (open)
This ongoing development of historical material associated with the ‘A’ Course is part of the Experimental Education programme at MayDay Rooms. On a weekly basis, former students and staff will gather at MDR to deposit, discuss and exchange historical material with a view to shaping and distributing a dedicated ‘A’ Course (1969-1971) archive.
CAFA activation
CAFA activation
The CAFA archive was assembled and deposited at MayDay Rooms by George Caffentzis and Silvia Federici. It was introduced at the Marx Memorial Library as part of the Round About Midnight discussions on Midnight Notes and Zerowork in January 2012, and revisited during In The Annals, a follow-up discussion in November 2013. Inspired by the […]
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1 event,
IWGB Language Exchange (open)
IWGB Language Exchange (open)
The Independent Workers Union of Great Britain (IWGB) is a worker-run union organising the unorganised, the abandoned and the betrayed. MayDay Rooms has offered up its venue and facilities for: Spanish-English language exchange: 12-4pm English classes: 2-4pm Spanish classes: 4-6pm