Anti-Academia Workshop
MDR Screening Room 1st floor, 88 Fleet street, LondonThere is a growing sense that there is something going wrong in universities. We can do something about this. This workshop is motivated by a desire to explore education for […]
Militant Technics: With School, Public Library, Memory of the World and MayDay Rooms.
MDR Production Room 88 Fleet street, LondonIn early December Sean Dockray (Aaaaargh/Public School), Marcell Mars and Tomislav Medak (Mama/Memory of the World), Sebastian Luetgert and Jan Gerber (Pando.ra/Pirate Cinema) and members of MayDay Rooms (MDR) will […]
Back to the Future: An account of recent and impending court cases against sharing. (Public event)
MDR Screening Room 1st floor, 88 Fleet street, LondonAs part of Militant Technics, Sean Dockray, Sebastian Luetgert, Marcell Mars and Tomislav Medak along with members of MayDay Rooms will lead a public discussion on the legal challenges to […]
MDR Screening Room 1st floor, 88 Fleet street, LondonOTHERFIELD_ _is a radical film collective which shows films and runs workshops that come under the umbrella of ‘creative non-fiction films’ focusing on the process and the making of, for […]
MDROrganised by 15M London Women's Assembly. We will debate on femvertising, the marketing trend that includes feminist and girl power messages, its impact and the relation with mainstream and neoliberal […]
Production Something: Legacies of the Lucas Plan (invite)
MDR Screening Room 1st floor, 88 Fleet street, LondonOn Saturday December 12 MayDay Rooms will play host to workers involved in the notorious Lucas Plan, which was a proposal made to the bosses/management in the mid 1970s to […]
Under the Moon
MDRUnder the Moon is a monthly discussion group that explores worlds, both real and imagined, that differ radically from our own. For this final meeting of 2015 we are holding […]
Futures: Social
MDR Reading Room 1st floor, 88 Fleet street, LondonWe return to a discussion of Paul Mason's new book on Post capitalism. This book raises interesting and important issues of social change, suggesting that we have reached a point […]
Cultural Discussion Group
MDR Reading Room 1st floor, 88 Fleet street, LondonInvite only. The Cultural Discussion Group has been meeting fortnightly since late 2014. The group developed out of two related convictions. The first is that the last decade of capitalist […]
Feminism, Art, Suicide
MDROrganised by 15M London Women's Assembly We will debate from a feminist perspective on suicide, mental health and the oppressions of patriarchy through the work of feminists like Alfosina Storni, Chantal […]
ASH (Architects for Social Housing)
MDRArchitects for Social Housing (ASH) is a small, entirely voluntary group that works with council estates facing regeneration (demolition and redevelopment) by helping to organise estate communities into resistance and […]
Totally Counter to Fleet Street
MDR2016 is the 50th anniversary of the founding of International Times (IT), the best-known newspaper of the counterculture in Britain. Iain Boal will be hosting a closed, invitation-only gathering of […]